Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Answers

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Craziequeen asked:
What was your favourite subject in school? Art and art history

Is it still your favourite subject? Yes, if I were to go back to school, and could fill a semester with any classes of my choosing I would choose an entire art related direction of study.

Ribbiticus asked:
Which person, living or not, has influenced you the most?
Not to sound cliche, but it would have to be my Mom. My Mom is an incredibly strong, loving and patient person. She has influenced the way I live in so many ways. More than either of us are aware of.

Maggie asked:
At what age if you have girls did you let them shave? I think my daughter was in the fifth grade when she made mention of shaving her legs. And if I recall correctly, she just asked if I had a razor she could borrow. It wasn't a big deal in our house.

How did you deal with the talk back from the kids? I'm so much better at it than they are. It's humiliating to a kid when they don't rattle you. It wasn't worth the attempt for them, and so they finally gave up.

Colleen asked:
When is the last time you had a belly laugh and why? Today one of my blog friends left a comment on the thread just before this one. It referenced (in a very offbeat way) a previous inicident I had written about, and it made me laugh so hard. So hard that I called my good friend and share it with her. As I read it to her, we both just erupted into hysterics.

When is the last time you really cried and why?
When the doctor told me I might have cancer again. I left the office, quicly put on my sunglasses (thank God the Jacki-O's are in style again), and cried the entire way home.

Do you have a bumper sticker? What does it say? Not any longer, but I did have a Kerry sticker during the election.

Better safe than sorry asked:
Can you make it through the day without a soother yet? YES! I can.

Deana asked:
If you had a day all to yourself how would you spend it? Sitting on the beach with a good book. It would have to be a nice sunny fall day, not too windy, with only a few people scattered here and there. Bliss!

Since the re-union is on tonight, who was your all time fav SNL star? Tough, tough, tough. I'd have to go with Chevy Chase. I adored him in the early SNL episodes.

Soapbox.SUPERSTAR asked:
What are your compulsive habits (other than collecting pens, calendars and Target trips)? I have a fear of leaving stuff behind in hotel rooms. Whenever I stay in a hotel I check the drawers and closets 100 time before I check out. Even if I don't put stuff in the drawers I check to see if I left anything in them.

What is the worst psychological torture you could imagine suffering? I'm claustrophobic. Putting me in a small closet would completely whack me out.

Nadine asked:
What do you do if you are on your period sitting on the toilet and realize you have no Tampons? This was one of the upsides to having cancer. My insides were completely nuked by radiation and so I don't have periods anymore. Holla!

Do you tell someone if they have a booger hanging out of their nose?
If I like them, YES! If they're an asshole, then I let it hang with them.

Mercuryfern asked:
When was the first time you felt emotionally invested in/strongly opinionated about something happening in the news or political stage? I was in 5th grade, and I wanted to attend war protests for the Vietnam War. My parents were like Ward and June Cleaver, and would never attend a war protest. I don't remember hearing them take a strong anti-war stance, but they would never have taken me to something like that. I kept a journal during that phase of my life, and several entries mention the war.

What is your most nourishing family ritual? We are a very close family. Whenever there is a crisis for anyone, we come together from all directions. It's not so much a ritual as it is a very strong love for each other. I'm not just talking immediate family either - aunts, uncles, cousins. We all support each other, and that love is entirely nourishing to our family. We're Greek - that's how we do things. We're emotional, and we are there for each other. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - there really is quite a bit of truth to that movie. Sure, it's an exageration, but so much of it is on target.

Well, there you have it. Hopefully, this gave you a little more insight into who I am, and what I'm about.

dena at 1:19 AM



at 2:40 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the top picture! Thanks for sharing aspects of your life. You are a strong, brave woman. Have a nice day and a good weekend! ( I was in Athens in january, loved it, we were only sorry we couldn't even say thank you in Greek!)

at 2:55 AM Blogger JoeC said...

ooooo, very insightful, thx for the word. cheers!

at 2:59 AM Blogger Dak-Ind said...

you have a beautiful child, and i loved learning more about you. Hello, Michelle sent me.

at 3:04 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, we seriously have a lot in common!

at 5:28 AM Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

I loved reading and learning so much more about you...This sure is an interesting way to learn a lot about people and the questions were great, too. Thanks for allowing me to glimpse and see more of you Dena...and by the way, that's a great photograph!

at 12:38 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a great pic!
my youngest daughter is in grade 6, she needs to shave her legs, but hasn't asked yet, so i'm not pushing it, but i hate looking at those hairy legs.

at 2:49 PM Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

I am a little disappointed in your answer to Nadine's tampon question. I think you could have been a little more of a sport and looked back at a time when you did have a period and then answered. How about a "do over" on that one!

at 1:32 PM Blogger Ditsy Chick said...

I am saying hello to you, because of the game on Michelle's site today. Nice to meet you.

at 4:50 PM Blogger Your Mother said...

Damnit! I cannot believe I missed the asking a question part. Shit! I would have asked something totally cool and weird.


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