Friday, January 13, 2006

A first time for everything

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Today I caught a ride with a coworker to grab a bite to eat. About an eighth of a mile from our office I noticed a huge bird flying overhead. Several different species of water birds make their homes near my office, but this one looked huge and was flying right toward us as we made our way down the road. I remarked at it's size, thinking it was a heron with a large wing span, but it looked nothing like any heron or egret I'd ever seen. My friend blew my excitement off with "it's a hawk", but I couldn't take my eyes off it. It's size mesmerized me. I looked up as it was directly overhead, and saw the tell-tale white head, and large size. The wing span of this bird was easily over six-foot.

People who know me well know that it doesn't take much to entertain and excite me. I was screaming. SCREAMING. My friend nearly ran off the road, and I'm insisting that she stop the car immediately. She didn't, but I continued to watch this indredible creature with amazement.

Before you start shrugging your shoulders, shaking your head or smirking at my excitement, please keep in mind that I have never seen a Bald Eagle in the wild, and also realize that they are not common in Virginia Bech. So uncommon that our local, twice weekly additon to the large newspaper publication actually reports Bald Easgle sightings.

I couldn't wait to get back to the office to share my joy, but before went inside I watched this bird circle around a bit, and as I watched I felt a little sad. During the drive back to my office I noticed that last bit of woods in this area had been cleared to make room for more offices, more warehouses and more homes. We are already over-developed, and I coldn't help but wonder if the joy I felt in seeing this bird was at the expense of this bird's nesting and hunting area.

Do you think we'll ever learn?

dena at 10:27 PM



at 11:46 PM Blogger Gary said...

I used to be a serious birdwatcher. I'm not so much now, but i still love birds. You're right about habitat. it's so important.

at 11:46 PM Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

No, my dear ena..I don't think we will ever learn..Sad to say!

The Government; We, The People, have to CARE enough to STOP all the developing/building/clearing/etc.

Cause if we don't...the next generation. (If there is a "next generation") will not know what a Bird is...or any other crwature of nature....

at 11:47 PM Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

DENA...I swear, I cannot believe my ONE little finger can make sooo many mistakes! Forgive me, my dear DENA!!! (lol)

at 8:38 AM Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm glad i'm not the only one that's easily amused :).

We have these huge hawks that sit atop the light posts on one of our toll roads. They are huge birds and I always get excited seeing them.

And no. I doubt we'll ever learn. There will always be some shopping complex that has to be built in a wooded area. That stinks too.

at 10:26 AM Blogger Chatty said...

When I come home at night I always stop my car as the dear cross from one yard to the other. I love nature and luckily I still live in the country. As someone who grew up in the burbs fo DC, I know all too well how country can be gobbled up by commerce. My hometown is now the Silicon Valley of Virginia.

Now instead of watching birds and deer, people can watch the commuter in it's natural habitat.

at 12:54 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot! True words. I'm always facinated by seeing wildlife. Sadly they are disappearing at an alarming rate.

at 1:26 PM Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Don't give up hope. Sometimes birds of prey will take root in cities and feed on the local pigeon population. Which is always welcome.

I'm from Michele's place.

at 1:42 PM Blogger ribbiticus said...

alas, i don't think we ever learn. we have continued to denude our forests and have never replanted as much as we destroy. hence, the danger it poses to the wildlife that dwell within.

here via michele today.:)

at 10:43 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to see an eagle sometime. I thought I saw one once while kayaking and it was the only time I've ever went out without a camera. I was so excited that I called a friend on my cell phone just so I could tell somebody about it. But I went back later and got a picture of it. I researched it and it turned out to be an osprey. It was a big let down.

at 11:58 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got to see a nest of Bald Eagles in is a BIG deal. I was thrilled. There aren't many left.

I wonder where yours was going to go? That is sad to think about.

at 2:15 PM Blogger Uisce said...

I've never seen an eagle, and I'm sure I would have been just as excited!


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