Monday, January 30, 2006

A conversation with Ethan

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My husband is a fan of the reality television show Miami Ink. I've never seen the show, but I believe it is basically a "life in a tattoo studio" show. Whatever my husband like, Ethan loves. If Adam thinks the show is good, then Ethan thinks it is Emmy Award quality. Whatever. Right?

Last night they were watching an episode, and the scened centered on a woman that was getting a tattoo. The following conversation traspired:

Ethan: Daddy, you want to get a new wife like that?

Adam: You can't just trade-in a wife. Once you're married to someone you have to stick wtih them.

Ethan: Do you think Momma would be mad at you if you got a new wife that looked like that?

Adam: She would be REAL mad.

Now, I don't know where this conversation came from, but here's my guess. My husband has several tattoos. I have none. I don't want any. Whenever we ride by a tattoo studio Adam always asks, "You want a tattoo? I'll pay for it. C'mon. Right now. Let's go."

I guess Ethan really listens to eveyrthing we say.

dena at 7:16 PM



at 9:04 PM Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL, LOL...out of the mouths of Babes...huh???

This is soooo funny...perhaps if you got just one teeny tiny itty bity tattoo, Ethen won't want to turn you in for a NEW model!!! (lol)

at 12:09 AM Blogger Ditsy Chick said...

Yes, I have learned they listen to everything the hard way.

Come on, go ahead and get the tatt. I am with ya, don't have one, don't want one...could not handle the pain.

at 7:25 AM Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...


As always...out of the mouths of babes.

at 11:48 AM Blogger Jennifer said...

thats funny! we watch that show too... love it! i have 0 tat's... hubby has a tat of #1 child's name and a tat of #2 child's name... havent' figured out where and what to do for child #3... he's 2.5 yrs already... i just tease him that he's not his...

at 11:54 AM Blogger Michelle said...

I haven't really watched the show much either but hubby's nephew looks just like the second guy on the left in this picture:

ps - I had to move my blog (so far, so good) to the following address:

ignore the boring template. I'm in the process of changing it. hope to see you there :)

at 12:36 PM Blogger Uisce said...

Kids are just tape recorders with random record and play buttons! :)

at 3:58 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethan cracks me up! I had to laugh out loud on that one.

at 5:14 PM Blogger Your Mother said...

Out of the mouths of babes they say. I have decided that my kids only pay attention to what I'm saying when I don't want them too...

at 5:25 PM Blogger melissa said...

You'll say something and then three weeks later, out of the blue, a small child will ask you about it. My brother did it to my mom ALL THE TIME. I'm sure my nephew's not long off from doing the same! :D So cute.

at 9:15 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you could get one of those lick and stick ones for special occasions.
i'm with you, i'd never get one.

at 9:53 AM Blogger Gary said...

Down here in Texas there are places that will give a woman a free tattoo if she comes in with her husband or boyfriend who gets one for himself.

at 8:32 AM Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

Just get a tattoo already - all the cool people have them!


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