Sunday, October 23, 2005

Head Trips

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Migraines. Debilitating. Excruciating. Knock a hole in your plans for an entire day. Nauseate you. Painful fingers shooting up the base of your neck and into the back of your head. Painful hands clenching the circumference of your head erupt volcanic like, through the top of your head.

It's hard to explain to a non-migraine sufferer why you don't want to talk to them, why the lights must stay off, and why you look like a poorly done black and white photograph.

And what's even worse is when you have a migraine, and not being allowed to take anything for it because you're having some procedure done in a few days, and your migraine falls right in the middle of that window that doesn't allow PAINKILLERS.

There's nothing to do but take an entire day off - no music, no television, no communication. Luckily I have a mother who was more than willing to watch my four-year-old the entire day, since my husband was working. I can't imagine how I would have survived Ethan's non-stop chatter. As cute as his little voice is, it is totally not migraine material.

Today is a new day. I can see again.

dena at 6:43 AM



at 8:00 AM Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...

Glad you're feeling better.


at 9:15 AM Blogger kenju said...

I have had some bad headaches in my day, but nothing I could call a migraine. Sorry you had that - and glad you are better.

Michele sent me.

at 9:17 AM Blogger Aginoth said...

Hi Dena

As i also suffer from the occaional migraine you have my every sympathy, codeine take the edge off it, but the only real choice is to bed down in a darkened quiet room and try to sleep it off.

Michelle sent me

at 9:20 AM Blogger Aginoth said...

And now I'm reading through your acrchive...Think I'll add you to my blogroll :o)

at 9:24 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor you. I have never had migraine but I hear terrible things about it, it's something I don't ever want to experience. A strong headache is bad enough. Glad you are feeling better and that you are playing M& G!!

at 11:51 AM Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

God they suck! You know if mom is not available, he can always come hang with us!

at 12:06 PM Blogger kenju said...

You must be much better if you can play the meet n' greet! Michele sent me back.

at 12:06 PM Blogger Begered said...

That sucks monkey butt! Glad to hear you are feeling better :) Michele sent me...

at 12:32 PM Blogger ribbiticus said...

oh my! i suffer from the occasional migraine and on the days that i have a doozy, i cannot not take drugs! it is sometimes so bad that when i take a nap in the hopes that it'll make it better, i still wake up with the same throbbing pain, complete with white lights. i call them my "fugly" days coz i look real different when i have them...hope you get some rest.

here via michele today. :)

at 2:08 AM Blogger David Edward said...

hi di dyou come by after michele's ? did I miss your visit? Please comment


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