Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dropping Death Off

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Greek people, or maybe it’s just my Greek family, have this belief that whenever you go to a funeral you must “drop death off” before you go home. If not, you’ll bring death home, and that’s just wrong.

My family has attended many Greek funerals as a group, and we generally meet at one home, and then form a caravan to the funeral home or church. Once the service is over, we all get back into our assigned cars and then form a parade to the “drop death off” destination. Typically, the destination is a 7-11. I’m sure we are a sight. Car loads of Greek-looking people, some with American looking kids and spouses, all parading through the 7-11 while one person purchases a Diet Coke. Too bad 7-11's don't have revolving doors. It would make the entire production much easier.

A few years ago, I introduced some friends to the tradition of Dropping Death Off, and I am hopeful that they have turned this into a tradition of their own. So, have you Misty?

dena at 8:22 AM



at 6:58 PM Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

Not only am I a religious practicer now, I share the knowledge whenever appropriate!!!

at 5:28 AM Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...

Makes sense. Kinda sorta. Well except the bit about the Diet Coke, but I'm sure I'll figure it all out.

at 6:03 PM Blogger Carl V. Anderson said...

I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to drop death off than at a 7-11!

at 9:09 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm never going to 7-11 again!


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