Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Wait

Since 7:30 this morning...well, actually the wait started yesterday at around 10:00. That's about the time these two beauties were discovered by E and Adam at the local Target.

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When they discovered that they had both the Pink and Yellow GIRL (yes, the girls), SPD Power Rangers, the both of them immediately called me to tell me they were buying them for Kaiden, Soapbox's daughter. Seriously, it's not often that you can even find one of the girls, much less to luck out and find them both at the same time.

And so, since these two lovelies have been purchase, it's all I've freakin' heard...when are we going, are we going yet, hurry up & let's go, blah, blah, freakin' blah.

Misty....go pick up your kids so that E & I can come over and I can end this madness, and stop looking at this pitiful face.

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dena at 8:06 AM



at 9:04 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Michele sent me.

When I was a small girl, I was very into the few female GI Jo characters, and was similarly thrilled those rare times we could find their figurines.

at 9:25 AM Blogger Nickle Annie said...

Hi Michele sent me.

How weird is it that I have a son named Kaiden, spelt the exact same way. It shocked me when I read your blog this morning and saw my sons name. LOL!

at 10:18 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl Power. Girl power rangers. That's a good idea. We all need more superhero ladies.

Michele sent me.

at 10:28 AM Blogger MorahMommy said...

Oy what a face!!! So cute.

My kids aren't that interested in Power Rangers but I have experienced that with other themes of the month.

They gotta have it and they gotta have it now!

Who says advertising doesn't work?! :)

Michele sent me.

at 9:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cute is that!

at 10:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet. Santa was supposed to bring my son Wonder Woman one Christmas. Santa came through, but I don't know how he did it because she was impossible to find. I think he had to pay big bucks on ebay. We learned from sources that collectors get them before they even make it the shelves. The only reason we needed her was because no one could find the WonderWoman happy meal in any town anywhere, which left the Happy Meal Justice League one member short. You would think they would just start making more of the girl action heroes! Kaiden has good friends.

at 11:01 PM Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

I LOVE THAT PICTURE...and I am dying laughing. Kaiden has played with those things since she got them!!!


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